Sunday, December 31, 2006

The year is almost over...

Only 3 hours until the end of 2006! YAY! I have absolutely no plans for tonight except for watching the Law & Order: SVU Marathon on TV. *blush* I've been watching it all day, I can't help it!

So, the past two days I have been a naughty raw foodist. But i'm not dwelling on that, because in a few hours I am committing myself to 1 year raw. I fully intend on being raw for the rest of my life, but committing myself to 1 year (thanks to rawfoodtalk I know I can do this!) seems... I don't know, doable? That's not it though, because I already knew it was, so I don't know... I just know it will help me in my journey!

Tomorrow when I wake up, it will be the start of my new life. A new beginning for me. A life where I call the shots, i'm in charge, and I don't take crap from anybody! I will not let anyone bring me down in 2007, or anytime after that! I'm taking control of my life, and becoming raw is the first step.

Enough from me for now! I'm off to go finish my SVU marathon. ;)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Friday, December 29, 2006

I've created another soup!

For dinner tonight I created another soup! I gave this one a name too. Fruit Burst Soup! No idea why I chose that, but it sounds good. ;)

Recipe for Fruit Burst Soup:
1 whole pineapple
A few raspberries
A few blackberries
1/2 banana
*Blend it all in a food processor/blender until smooth and yummy!

Here it is... Fruit Burst Soup! Garnished with banana slices.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It was kind of like a smoothie in a bowl, but it was soupy too. I recommend it! It was so, so yummy!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Thursday, December 28, 2006

No appetite today!

I don't know why, but today I have absolutely NO appetite! It's 5pm and i'm just now eating something. Banana/Raspberry 'ice cream' that I made last night. So good!

Banana Ice Cream recipe:
4 bananas
5 raspberries
*Blended in the food processor and then put in the freezer until it looks like soft serve ice cream!

I might also make a green smoothie later on. We'll see.

Last night I sure did have an appetite though! I ate some of the banana/raspberry ice cream with some raspberries ontop, 2 apples and like 45 grapes!

Oh, and i'm STILL sick! It's been over a week now. The only thing left is a cough (which is extremely annoying!) and a snuffy nose, but come on! I'm tired of being sick!

That's all for now. I don't know what else to write about!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Onto 2007

This is completely unrelated to raw, but I felt like sharing. I have a feeling this will be long.

The last 5 years my life has been, well... crap, to be quite honest. I've delt with depression all through this time, earlier this year it was so bad that I contemplated suicide and attempted it once. I've had to deal with a screwed up family (well, i've had to deal with this my entire life, but since my parents divorce 5 years ago, it's reached a new level) who most of the time don't seem to understand the affect their choices have on other people. Depression was the cause for my grades dropping in school and my ultimate dropping out of high school. I was too 'sick' that all I wanted to do was stay in bed. When at school I couldn't concentrate on anything, so I didn't see the point. I've always been extremely shy, and it's affected my life a great deal. Most people tend to think i'm a snob or rude because I don't talk to them. But that's not it at all. A few ago I realized I had social anxiety, which is a big part in why I have yet to get a job. I get anxious/scared just at the thought of having to go and apply for a job, and possibly an interview. The anxiety is also a reason in why I don't have my drivers license. The thought of having to take the actual driving test, with a person I don't know, scares me to death. I've felt very trapped by all of this. I told one of my friends not too long ago that I emotionally still feel like i'm 16 years old. It's like in a way I emotionally stopped growing at that age, i'm stuck there still. What I mean is, I have no high school diploma, I have no job, I have no drivers license... it's like I really am still 16, not almost 21. Maybe i'm just crazy.

But that was the past and now. The future, 2007, will be different. I don't know what it is, but something feels different about the upcoming new year. I feel good about it, I feel like it's going to be good to me. I'm finally going to get a break from the bad, and i'm going to become something better. I have an incredible urge to get a job, to be self sufficiant, to move out on my own, to meet new friends... possibly to meet a guy! All things that lately... I have had no desire to do. I've already taken a huge positive step in making my life better with deciding to go raw, to better my health and with this will come weight loss... which will bring me self confidance. I'm going to become my age... no more being stuck at 16, no more having to depend on other people. For once, i'm looking forward to the future instead of just living each day to get to the next and not even caring about life. So.... here's to 2007! I'm going to make it the best year of my life!

Enough rambling from me. *wink* I'm off to find some yummy raw recipes to make tomorrow!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Some creations!

I had a mess up last night. :( After dinner, I saw the chocolates my mom and dad had both gotten me and had some. Oops. But they made me feel physically terrible.

Last night I made a raw fruit soup in the food processor! I just threw in some random fruits that looked good. It turned out to be 1 1/2 mandarin orange, about 10 or so green grapes and 1 apple. It was so good! Here is a picture of it (the swirly things are part of the apple peel and I sliced a grape in half, for garnish)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And I also dehydrated a banana last night for some banana chips. They're so tasty!

This morning for breakfast (which i'm having right now) I made a green smoothie. I think these will most definately help me get enough greens in, since i'm not really a huge fan of vegetables. The smoothie has in it about 1 cup or so of baby spinach, 10 green grapes, 1 apple and 2 blackberries. It's not a very pleasing color, but it's very tasty!

That's all for now. I'll write more later!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day 1... i'm RAW!

I'm so excited, this is day one of the new me! The RAW me! My sister and I woke up early to go to Walmart and check out the day-after-Christmas sales. I didn't find any, but I did buy... ta-da... a food dehydrator! I'm so excited!

After Walmart, we headed to Safeway to use our gift cards. I have never spent so much time in the produce department in ANY grocery store before! haha... I must have been there for like 20 minutes picking out fruits and veggies. 50% of them are organic as well... the Safeway by our apartment is remodeling and they're bringing in so many organic (and way more affordable than Wild Oats!) fruits/veggies (and other organic food as well!) I had filled the cart up with my food before my sister even made it to any other section of the store.

What I got:
Mandarin oranges
Blackberries (they were on sale! I bought 6 containers and saved $20!)
Baby Spinach
Pineapple (buy one get one free!) and a pineapple slicer thing
... I think I got more, but i'm having a mind blank right now.

Oh! Here is the fruit stand that my mom got me for Christmas. Isn't it awesome!? Don't mind the messy counters (I took the picture before I cleaned today lol) and it looks so pretty filled with fruit!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My neighbor has one sort of like it that's smaller and sits on your counter/table and whenever I walk by their window, i'm in awe of it... and now I have a better one than them! haha

My Daily Menu:
2 bananas
1 blackberry (to see how they tasted lol)
Juice of 3 oranges

That's all I've had so far, I haven't felt very hungry. Later on i'm going to try and make something in the food processor. Probably a chilled fruit soup. Or i'll just make a fruit salad instead, not sure yet. I also have some bananas in the food processor, so when those are done (2 more hours!) i'll snack on those too.

I'll update later tonight!

Peace & Love
-- everclear

Monday, December 25, 2006

Oh, and i'm going raw tomorrow!!

I forgot to post this! I was going to wait until January 1st to go raw... but why wait? I have my food processor... i'm ready to do this!!! So i'm going raw tomorrow!!! My parents both got me candy for Christmas, but i'm going to give it to my sister. We're going grocery shopping tomorrow and i'm going to be getting tons of fruits and veggies (I wish I could buy 100% organic :( but I can't afford it... i'll be buying half organic/half not) yay! I already have my dinner planned out for tomorrow... a chilled soup made in my food processor! Well, half planned out, I have no idea what kind of soup. :p

Here's to my new RAWSOME life! :p

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

My presents!

I got my FOOD PROCESSOR!!!! It's a 7 cup Cuisinart food processor... I love it!! My mom got it for me, and she found a bunch of attachments/extra blades from an estate sale she did, and she gave me those as well!!! She also got my sister and I this AWESOME 3-tiered fruit stand. I didn't know I wanted one until I saw her bring it into the house... I'm gonna have to take a picture of it when I get it filled up with fruit, it is beautiful! :p She got me some other stuff as well, but those are the main things.

... side note: I told my mom about my plans to go raw, and her reaction was awesome! She encouraged me to do it! And my sister was in the room with us, and made some stupid remark how she would never want to "eat that way" and my mom said "if she can do it, more power to her! that has to be the healthiest way to eat!" ... it made me feel really food!

My dad gave me a bunch of random goodies and $60 cash which I gave back to him so I could use his credit card to order Alissa Cohen's book and dvd set. I cannot wait to get it!!! I am so excited about it!!! The set cost $65 (including shipping... the set cost $55), but shh, don't tell him that! ;)

Now all I need is a food dehydrator! I think i'm going to buy a cheap one tomorrow. I'm going to start saving up for an Excalibur food dehydrator, but I want one to use until then. I also need to find something that I can use as a nut milk bag, so I can make raw almond milk. I don't want to have to buy one online, there has to be something else I can use... we'll see!

That's all for now! :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!! I hope everyone who reads my blog has a great one!!! :) That is if anybody does read my blog haha... if you do, comment me!!!

I'm totally crossing my fingers for a raw-present Christmas today! I am 99% certain my mom is getting me a food processor, and if not, definately gift cards to get it with! And the only other thing besides a food processor that I asked for was Visa gift cards (would have been cash, but the stupid ATM machine ate my debit card so I can't order online with my checking account lol) so I could order everything else I need/want! So cross your fingers for me! lol... my mom is coming over this afternoon and my dad is coming down tonight. So I will be anxiously waiting like a little kid until then to see what I get.

My sister told me that she and a group of girls from her work are going to try the Master Cleanse (also known as the "lemonade" diet) and I've wanted to try that since I found out about it last year, so I think i'm gonna give it a go as well! The "lemonade" drink sounds nasty, but I need to cleanse my body out and it's worth a shot, right?

Well, i'm off to bed now! I'm still sick and I should really be resting right now lol. I'll update later with what I do end up getting!!!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Friday, December 22, 2006

Being sick SUCKS!

I've been sick since Tuesday, which explains my lack of blogging. I woke up Tuesday morning with the mother of all sore throats. It was bad. As the day went on, I developed a terrible headache. I had to lay down at about 4pm and didn't get up until the next morning. Wednesday I was starting to feel a little big better, the headache was gone... but I think I overdid it, because that night I started to feel awful again, and started getting a stuffed up nose, and the sore throat came back full force. Now, Friday, I have a slight headache, horrible sore throat (feels like I have needles in my throat when I swallow :( ) a bad cough, my voice is all messed up...I just generally feel like crap! I'm hoping I feel better by tomorrow, at least enough to go shopping and finish my Christmas shopping. And if i'm sick on Christmas I will FREAK out! That's no fun!

Good news! I got a ton of oranges on Tuesday (I had to go to the grocery store) which I have been juicing. Besides the mass amount of pulp (too lazy to strain it haha), I am completely in love with fresh orange juice! My being sick has kind of ruined my 2nd attempt at a fast. I had to have some soup and stuff the other day in hopes it would make me feel better... it did a little.

I'm headed back to bed in a few minutes, where i've been most of the time since Tuesday. :(

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm giving fasting another go!

I'm back from Seattle! And i'm giving fasting another go. Tomorrow i'll be starting another juice/water fast. I will go until the end of the year, which will make this a shorter fast than the one I had previously planned, but I also think it'll make it easier. I'll give the 22+ day fasting another shot sometime in the new year, most likely March or so.

So, tomorrow is the start of fasting, take #2! lol... It will be a citrus juice fast + water. Tonight I will be getting oranges, lemons, etc for juicing!

So wish me luck once again! :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Going to Seattle!

I'm going to Seattle today, going to come back Monday. We're (sister and I) going up there for my dads family annual Christmas party, which is on Sunday. Hopefully i'll get my dad to take me to a restaurant that serves raw food!! :)

So, i'll be back to posting on Monday! :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Disappointment... no more fast

Yesterday was such a disappointment! I completely broke my fast. I've come to the conclusion that right now in my life, it's really not the best time for a fast, especially with all the hecticness (is that a word? lol) of the upcoming holidays. So i'm going to jump into raw tomorrow, earlier than planned! :) I tried the fast, so that counts for something, right? I'm for sure going to give it another shot sometime early next year. Maybe in the middle of January.

Today i'm buying a citrus juicer. I have a Kitchen Kaboodle gift card that i've had for almost a year, so I decided I need to put it to use! I think a citrus juicer will help me with raw. I have a regular juicer, but i'm not a big fan of it, it's not very good, I definately need a new one... plus right now the only juice I seem to want is orange juice, so the citrus juicer is perfect!

Until Christmas when I get my food processor and hopefully food dehydrator, I won't be able to make fancy raw meals. It will be just whole fruits and veggies + raw nuts and seeds. But that's okay, because I need it to be simple right now. :)

That's all for now! I'll write some more later on today. I'll post a picture of the citrus juicer I end up getting. :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Monday, December 11, 2006

Yesterday's Update

I didn't get a chance to update last night because of some drama created by my oh so lovely sister. *rolls eyes*

Anyways, yesterday was good. I almost broke my fast last night, I made some food but then decided that no... I had to stick with it! So I didn't eat it, I drank some tea instead. And I discovered a new favorite tea, but I can't remember the name of it... i'll find it later.

I'm not feeling any real detox symptoms. *shrug* Well, i'm feeling a tad bit achy, but I don't know if that's related to the fast.

It's only 5:30 in the morning right now, been awake for about an hour. Not much to report as of now. I'll update later today. :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Orange juice is awesome!

Besides my mess up yesterday, I actually did pretty good the rest of the day. Last night I was feeling hunger pains (they were keeping me awake) and walked into the kitchen to get some water, and found 3 oranges in a bag that I had forgotten about! So I juiced two of them, and right after drinking the juice the hunger pains went away.

This morning as soon as I woke up (around 6:45) I juiced the 3rd orange and now I feel energized! So much so I think I may go on a walk here in a bit. I'm also drinking some tea right now. Today I hope to get to the grocery store so I can get my much needed fruits to juice. I decided for the first week just to do citrusy fruits, oranges and such.

That's all for now. I'll write more later on today!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Day one was a bust...

For some reason around 3pm, I caved and ate some french fries. I didn't even want them, so i'm not sure what happened there. It was completely psychological, I wasn't hungry at all. Of course after I ate them, I felt horrible. But we go onward... tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start. I will get this right! I'm not giving up. Other than that, I did good hehe. Lots of water and some tea.

Oh, and I didn't make it to the grocery store today. Blah. So hopefully that will happen tomorrow, because i've found some awesome looking juice recipes I am dying to make!!

That's all for now!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

It's here! Day One!

Day one of fast.

I woke up very early (2am) and couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided to start the day! My mind right now is very focused on this fast, it's great. It's like I woke up in "fast mode" hehe. So far in the hour i've been awake i've had a glass of ice water. I filled up my popsicle mold thing with water so I could have "ice pops" to lick on later if I start to feel the need to "eat" something.

I'm going grocery shopping later today to buy fruits and veggies for juicing. Currently i'm having a major craving for apple/carrot juice! I think that will be the first juice I make today.

Grocery list:
Leafy greens
And whatever else looks good enough to juice! ;)

That's all for now! I'll update later today with how i'm doing (and with what I ended up with from the grocery store!) :)

Peace & Love (and happy fasting!),
-- everclear

Friday, December 8, 2006

I'm dreaming of a "raw" Christmas...

How perfect is it that Christmas is coming up? It's a great way for me to get things I need for my raw journey!

On my list:
Food processor
Nut milk bags (from Alissa's site)
Alissa Cohen's book & dvd set
Agave Nector (from Alissa's site)
Gift card to Wild Oats & Whole Foods for my organic fruits and veggies
And some raw nuts and seeds... not sure from where though... hmm...
A meditation cd (not exactly for "raw" but I wanna start meditating)

Yay! I'm so excited!

Tomorrow is the start of my fast! I am so excited. I feel completely ready for this. I'm currently drinking my last cup of coffee (ever... kinda sad!) because I had to have one last taste of it hehe. I've eaten very lightly today in preperation for tomorrow. The only thing i've had to eat today is soup. I'm going to be eating a few pickles here in a bit.

Speaking of pickles... I have a HUGE jar of dill pickles from Costco in the fridge, and even though they aren't raw, once my fast is over, I will be eating them until they are gone. I can't waste them! I don't think that eating them will cause too much of a problem, especially since everything else i'll eating will be raw.

I told my sister today about my fast. Her response? "You've said that before!" She doesn't believe me... i'll show her! I asked if she wanted to join me and she said no. How great will it be for me when I actually succeed at this fast and transition to raw and show everyone who doubted I could do it? I bet none of them could do it!

Well, that's all for now. Wish me luck for tomorrow!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Two days until my fast!

There are two days to go until the start of my extended fast. I am extremely excited! A little nervous, but definately excited. I know i'm about to embark on an incredible journey and have no idea what it will be like. I'm crossing my crossables that it's a success... I know it will be though... i'm determined! For once i'm going to do what's right for my body. :) And although i'm not doing this for weight loss, I will most certainly not be disappointed with any weight loss that I do have over the course of this fast. I most certainly do need to lose weight... quite a bit!

With the holidays coming up, i'm not quite sure how everyone is going to react to what i'm doing. Most people, when they think of the holidays, they think of food, ya know? They're going to think i'm insane for giving it up for almost an entire month! December 14th-18th my sister and I are going up to Seattle to stay with my cousin for 2 days and then with my dad and his girlfriend for 2 days. Those 4 days are going to be a challenge for sure. I can already imagine the comments i'm going to get from my cousin and the rest of my family. I think my dad and his girlfriend will be cool about it, she's gotten him into stuff like that since they've lived together. My sister... no idea how she'll react! But she'll also have a few days prior to us going up there to experience what i'm going to be going through. Maybe once she sees the results start to show, she'll want to join me! ;) Anyways, that's enough of that...

I'm certain that tomorrow, in preperation for this fast, i'm going to be eating extremely lightly. I don't want to eat a huge meal and the next day BAM! No food at all. I'm thinking just fruit and possibly salad will be good for tomorrow.

Well, that's all for now. I'll write more later tonight or tomorrow morning. :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I'm going Raw!

The raw food diet has peaked my interest for some time now. It's been over a year since I learned about it, and ever since then it's been a future goal of mine to become raw. There has always seemed to be an excuse as to why I wouldn't start "now" though. Either I was going to miss my beloved french fries, or another cooked food... or it just seemed inconvenient. But i'm at a point in my life now where i'm ready to make some changes for the better, to make my life worthwhile, and going raw just seems like one of those changes that it's time to make. Going raw is going to be my News Years Resolution. I'm getting a food processor for Christmas, which will be a huge help in my raw "cooking" and I think it will make it much easier. I already have a ton of things I want to make in it and I don't even have it yet! To prepare for my transition, starting on December 9th i'm going to do a water/fresh fruit juice/tea fast to cleanse my body out. I'm crossing my fingers i'll be able to last from the 9th through the end of the year! I think it would be perfect to break my fast on January 1st and start 2007 year with a bang! I'm so excited. I know this is the right move for me. I've never doubted it, it's just about commiting, which I am 99.9999% sure i'm ready to do! I have until the end of the month to get to 100%. ;)

So i'm hoping this blog will help me in some way with my journey to raw. Perhaps in a way keep me accountable while i'm just starting out.

Wish me luck!! :)

Peace & Love,
-- everclear