Friday, December 29, 2006

I've created another soup!

For dinner tonight I created another soup! I gave this one a name too. Fruit Burst Soup! No idea why I chose that, but it sounds good. ;)

Recipe for Fruit Burst Soup:
1 whole pineapple
A few raspberries
A few blackberries
1/2 banana
*Blend it all in a food processor/blender until smooth and yummy!

Here it is... Fruit Burst Soup! Garnished with banana slices.
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It was kind of like a smoothie in a bowl, but it was soupy too. I recommend it! It was so, so yummy!

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

1 comment:

travelingtoes said...

OMG, Amy! Your fruit soups always look so yummy. They look like something they would serve in a restaurant. I'm not creative like that with all the garnished. I would probably just blend it and pour it in a bowl and that's it. LOL. I hope you're feeling better from your cold. :o)