Monday, December 25, 2006

Oh, and i'm going raw tomorrow!!

I forgot to post this! I was going to wait until January 1st to go raw... but why wait? I have my food processor... i'm ready to do this!!! So i'm going raw tomorrow!!! My parents both got me candy for Christmas, but i'm going to give it to my sister. We're going grocery shopping tomorrow and i'm going to be getting tons of fruits and veggies (I wish I could buy 100% organic :( but I can't afford it... i'll be buying half organic/half not) yay! I already have my dinner planned out for tomorrow... a chilled soup made in my food processor! Well, half planned out, I have no idea what kind of soup. :p

Here's to my new RAWSOME life! :p

Peace & Love,
-- everclear

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